Celebration High School is a challenging and rigorous educational learning community that is dedicated to the preparation of students to be life-long learners and contributing members in a rapidly changing world.
Mascot: Storm Team Colors Purple, Silver, Black
Coach: Jay Sobke School
Address: 1807 Celebration Blvd, Celebration, FL 34747
Phone: 321-939-6600
The mission of Gateway High School is to enhance the students’ academic, artistic, social, and technological skills to meet the challenges of a rapidly changing and increasingly diverse society.
Vision: We are striving for excellence one student at a time.
Mascot: Panthers Colors: Silver, Black
Coach: George Sullivan
Address: 93 Panther Paws Trl, Kissimmee, FL 34744
Phone: 407-935-3600
Harmony High School is dedicated to enhancing the healthcare of all athletes participation at Harmony High School. Harmony’s High School Program will accomplishing the best possible healthcare to all participation athlete. The athletic training program is committed to the instruction and preparation of student athletic trainers, in hope of furthering their education in the athletic training field.
Mascot: Longhorns Colors: Blue, Orange Principal: Jim Hickey=
Athletic Director: John Wallauer
Address: 3601 Arthur J. Gallagher Rd, Harmony, FL 34771
Phone (407) 933-9900
Liberty High School will ensure every student is successful in a safe and secure environment while acquiring the necessary social and academic skills needed to be lifelong learners, as well as competent and responsible citizens.
Mascot: Chargers
Colors: Forest Green, Gold, White
Coach: Doug Gabriel
Principal: Evelith Olmeda Garcia
Address: 4250 Pleasant Hill Rd, Kissimmee, FL 34639
Phone: 407-933-3910