A St. Cloud Police Officer was relieved of duty after stealing credit card information at the scene of a medical emergency by taking photos of the deceased man’s credit cards then using the information to purchase purchase fuel, a hotel room, fast food from Wendy’s, and eyelashes.

25-year-old Diane Ferreira, who is the subject of the ongoing investigation by the Osceola County Sheriff’s Office, had worked as an officer on patrol duty with the St. Cloud Police Department since her transfer from employment in a correctional facility in 2022. She had no prior disciplinary actions during her employment with SCPD, and according to St. Cloud Police Chief, his agency is not aware of any prior similar offenses in Ferreira’s background.

“You know, as a member of law enforcement, this makes me sick and nauseous whenever we have to do something like this. But you know what we treat them any other person. Everyone is held accountable for their actions,” Sheriff Marcos Lopez said.

St. Cloud Police Chief Douglas Goerke said Officer Ferreira was placed under arrest in her own handcuffs and that her badge will be destroyed.

“I offer my sincerest apologies to the victim of these acts” said Police Chief Douglas Goerke. “This Department and its staff is held to the highest standards and expectations by the residents of this City, and keeping the community’s trust is paramount. To take advantage of a person in a time of need is absolutely reprehensible,” he said.

Ferreira was immediately placed on unpaid administrative leave, but has since resigned from the Department. The sheriff said she is in jail with a $4000 bond.

“I’ve never seen anything like this to be honest with you, and now I’m 25 years in law enforcement. It’s a disservice to what we do every single day,” Chief Goerke shared at the end of the news conference.

This is an active investigation,

Un oficial de patrulla fue relevado de su cargo por el Departamento de Policía de St. Cloud, luego de múltiples denuncias de fraude que se informaron a la Oficina del Sheriff del Condado de Osceola.

Diane Ferreira, quien es objeto de la investigación en curso por parte de la Oficina del Alguacil, había trabajado como oficial de patrulla en el Departamento desde su transferencia de un empleo en un centro correccional en 2022. No tuvo acciones disciplinarias previas durante su empleo con SCPD.

Ferreira fue puesto inmediatamente en licencia administrativa sin goce de sueldo, pero desde entonces renunció al Departamento.

“Ofrezco mis más sinceras disculpas a la víctima de estos actos”, dijo el jefe de policía Douglas Goerke. “Este Departamento y su personal están sujetos a los más altos estándares y expectativas por parte de los residentes de esta ciudad, y mantener la confianza de la comunidad es primordial”.

Esta es una investigación activa, y no se pueden divulgar más declaraciones o información en este momento. El Departamento está brindando su total cooperación a la investigación de la Oficina del Sheriff del Condado de Osceola y brindará actualizaciones una vez que se haya resuelto.