DEADLINE TO COMPLETE: October 31, 2020
The results of the 2020 Census will help determine how hundreds of billions of dollars in federal funding flow into communities every year for the next 10 years. This funding shapes many different aspects of every community, no matter the size, no matter the location.
Consider your morning commute: Census results influence highway planning and construction, as well as grants for buses, trains, and other public transit systems.
Or think of your local schools: Census results help determine how money is allocated for programs and grants that support students, teachers and special education.
The list goes on, including programs to support rural areas, to restore wildlife, to prevent child abuse, to prepare for wildfires, and to provide housing assistance for the elderly.
Why the Census Matters
The 2020 Census is right around the corner! Here’s a quick overview of what it is and why it’s so important to Make Osceola Count.
Everyone counts
The Constitution requires that everyone in the country is counted every 10 years. The census counts every person living in the U.S. once, only once, and in the right place.
It’s about fair representation
An accurate snapshot of the population means that communities across the nation receive the funding, services, and business support they deserve and need.
Taking part is your civic duty
It’s a way to participate in our democracy and say, “I COUNT!”The information collected in this census affects how we plan for the future and determines our voice in government over the next ten years.
It impacts education, health and housing
Data collected from the census helps to guide planning efforts for our community, such as where to put schools, hospitals, roads, and other public works. It may also assist with funding for our Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers.
It funnels dollars to Osceola County.
The distribution of more than $675 billion in federal funds, grants and support to states, counties, and communities is based on information collected through the census.
Census data is used to determine where schools, roads, hospitals, child care centers, senior centers, and other services should be built.
Key federal programs rely on data and allocations derived from the census, including Medicaid/Medicare, Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Title I Grants, and Special Education Grants. Census data is also used for the apportionment of Congressional seats and redistricting at all levels of government.
Census data is also used for the apportionment of Congressional seats and redistricting at all levels of government.
The funding received by Osceola County for affordable housing and community development is directly impacted by the census. Programs such as Section 8 housing, CDBG Emergency Rental Assistance Program, State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP), and HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) are specifically tied to the census based on our population.
Census data is indispensable for monitoring discrimination and the enforcement of a broad range of civil rights laws.
Accessibility to and funding for community resources like Community Coordinated Care for Children (4C child care) is also based on the data provided by a complete and accurate census count.
Your response is entirely confidential. It’s against the law for the Census Bureau to publicly release your responses in any way that could identify you or your household.