In a heartwarming ceremony on Saturday, September 16, ‘The Cup Diner,’ a beloved restaurant nestled in the heart of St. Cloud, was presented with the prestigious “Osceola’s Best Breakfast” Award by Positively Osceola, marking a well-deserved recognition of their dedication to crafting exceptional dining experiences for their community.
The Cup Diner, a cozy family-owned eatery, has been a cherished part of St. Cloud’s culinary landscape for years, and is certainly more than just a local restaurant; it’s a home away from home for countless members of the community.
Frank and Donna Woodsby stumbled across the restaurant in 2001, and decided to take a leap of faith and purchase the restaurant in St. Cloud that had already been running for five years under different management.
Their hard work and community-minded approach won the hearts, and stomachs of the community. In 2004, Hurricane Charlie pushed across the Sunshine State and battered the restaurant, causing severe damage and forcing its closure. Fortunately, another local eatery, The Catfish Place, that just celebrated its 50th Anniversary, selflessly offered up its restaurant space to the then called Koffee Kup, for breakfast while repairs were made.
After the major renovation was complete, the Woodsby family reopened the doors of their restaurant, more grateful than ever for the community’s support.
Sadly, in 2022, the community mourned the passing of Frank Woodsby, but his family’s legacy lives on with Frank and Donna’s three kids Franky, Tanya and Tiffany, ensuring that the restaurant continues on. It’s a new time, with a new name, “The Cup Diner,” but the excellent fare continues, as does the eatery’s belief in fair prices, generous portions, and a family-friendly community-minded focus.
“We love this community. We’ve been here so long. We see the kids growing up now, and their kids growing up. My dad always said he brought in the older crowd, and it was our job to take care of the younger crowd, and it was true. The kids are growing up, as I said, and are becoming cops and firefighters, and taking care of the community just like we have all these years,” Franky Woodsby said with his sister Tiffany at his side after the presentation of the “Osceola’s Best Breakfast” award.
Of course, it’s not just breakfast that people line up for. The Cup Diner is also well-known for amazing lunches and dinners.
So, the next time you find yourself in St. Cloud, make sure to pay a visit to The Cup Diner, Osceola’s reigning champion of breakfast delights. You’ll not only savor the best breakfast in town, but also witness the genuine passion and commitment the Woodsby family has for community, the heart and soul behind this culinary gem.
Visit The Cup Diner’s Official Website to learn more about their delightful menu and the dedication it has for providing Osceola County with an exceptional dining and community family experience.