The wedding ceremonies were held in English at 10:00am and in Spanish at 2:00pm. Immersed in the rich, antique courtroom decorated with Valentine’s themed décor, couples processed down the aisle and into the ceremony to romantic music.
During the ceremony, Clerk & Comptroller Kelvin Soto, Esq. shared, “love is the great unifier, our one universal truth. No matter who we are, where we have come from, what we believe, we know this one thing… love is what we are doing right.”
After the wedding ceremonies, couples received a decorative certificate and a commemorative photo in addition to their officially recorded marriage licenses. Romantic reception music was in the air, while the newlyweds, along with their families and friends all enjoyed festive cupcakes by Candyland Designs, a local Downtown Kissimmee Mainstreet bakery.
On Valentine’s Day, Clerk & Comptroller Kelvin Soto, Esq. performed nine wedding ceremonies. The Clerk & Comptroller’s Office issued more than 11,000 marriage licenses in 2022.