Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commissions Florida WildQuest, a thrilling scavenger hunt that takes you through nearly 50 Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs) across the state, has begun! This unique event invites families, friends, and solo adventurers to immerse themselves in the wonders of nature while engaging in a fun and educational activity.

By downloading the free Goosechase app, participants can document their journey with photos and videos, and complete missions to earn points. As you explore diverse ecosystems and encounter various wildlife, you’ll learn valuable information about the plants, animals, and conservation efforts essential to managing Florida’s natural habitats.

As the adventure unfolds, keep an eye on the real-time submissions from fellow participants and track your progress on the leaderboard. Each mission you complete not only brings you closer to understanding Florida’s wildlife better but also increases your chances of winning exciting prizes through random drawings. This competitive aspect makes WildQuest a stimulating experience, encouraging you to delve deeper into the environment and discover its hidden treasures.

WildQuest runs until May 5, so there’s plenty of time to explore and compete. For more information on how to participate and to see a map of the locations, visit the official WildQuest website. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to connect with Florida’s wildlife and embark on a memorable journey through its stunning WMAs.