Facebook is working on its own smartwatch that will focus primarily on messaging and health features. According to a new article from The Information, Facebook Watch will make it possible to send messages through Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp, and it will work on a data connection without being “connected” to a smartphone.
The watch will be able to connect to services provided by health and fitness companies like Peloton and is said to run a version of Google’s Android software.
There’s no word on what the cost of Facebook’s watch might be, but competing watches range in price from $150 to $400+.
Facebook will have to figure out how to get past the public’s concerns over Facebook’s data collection. Amazon recently released a “Halo” fitness band that was criticized for its invasiveness.
A Facebook smart watch will be instantly compared with the Apple Watch, which is one of the best selling wearables on the market. A recent report suggested that more than 100 million people globally now own an Apple Watch.