Anyone besides me wonder why networks employ “Rules Officials” to comment on instant replay? It seems guys like Mike Pereira are wrong about 50% of the time (although I am not sure how the actual game officials decide clear and convincing, after all if you have to watch something 30 times, pretty sure there was nothing clear and convincing about it). But I am getting away from the topic, if guys like Pereira are wrong in their analysis as much as they are right, networks could use a regular fan, flip a coin, or play rock, paper scissors and be just as accurate as so-called “rules officials,” just saying…
The NASCAR Playoff System is crazy to me. They came up with a system to artificially crown a season champion when the old system (season long performance) was working perfectly fine. Now you have playoff drivers complaining about non-playoff drivers. Kyle Busch was the latest, slamming non-playoff drivers for “racing him too hard.” Essentially playoff drivers want non-playoff drivers to give up their spots on the track when a playoff driver approaches. What a crock. Wonder if this system was in place 25 years ago what the late, great Dale Earnhardt would have said about getting out of the way of other drivers if he wasn’t in the playoffs? Bottom line, non-playoff drivers still get paid on where they finish in the race. If certain are supposed to job (i.e. lose on purpose) for other drivers, NASCAR becomes sports entertainment and not a sport – just like pro wrestling…
Not quite sure why everyone is making a deal about women referees in the NFL, College Football and the NBA. I mean when you really think about it, is there anyone more qualified to tell men what they are doing wrong?….
Heading into the season Laker fan was going all gaga over their mega all-star acquisitions. What I see is Carmelo Anthony (old past prime), Russell Westbrook (old, past prime still can’t shoot), Dwight Howard (great defensive player a decade ago), Rajon Rondo (awesome with 2010 Celtics…i.e. OLD). Although LeBron is still great, does anyone really believe he’s still the best player in basketball at age 36? This roster, the oldest in the NBA, would have terrified teams a decade ago, today? Not so much…
The tables have turned. As a kid, my mom taught me to not believe everything I saw on TV, now I have convince her not to believe everything she sees on facebook…
Tampa Bay’s Mike Evans has created a tradition where when he scores a touchdown, he flips the ball to a fan in the end zone wearing a Mike Evans’ jersey. As we all know, without thinking, he tossed Tom Brady’s 600th touchdown pass into the stands to a fan named Byron Kennedy. While much had been written about Kennedy giving the ball back and the financial implications of doing so, not as much has been mentioned about Mr. Kennedy’s background. He is the nephew of two-time Florida Governor Charlie Crist…
Everyone will have their own preferences (after all everyone loves or hates Joe Buck), but I find FOX college football analysis Joel Klatt informative, intelligent, funny and entertaining. His back-and-forths on the Colin Cowherd Show are great and next to ESPN’s Marty Smith, he is my favorite college football network guy…
Yesterday a friend asked me to use my USB port to “recharge” his cigarette. Told him it wasn’t available because I needed to “recharge” my book. How weird has today’s life become?…
Y’all have a great week!