Clergy Appreciation Day on the second Sunday in October reminds us to recognize the work of ministers, pastors, and priests in the United States. This national day also falls in National Clergy Month, which is observed each October.

Many congregations take up a special offering on this day to bless their pastors. Others use the entire month of October to find different means to bless the leaders with meals, gifts and even paid vacations. As an individual, there are several ways to show your clergy appreciation, especially important given the challenges that ministers of all kinds have been facing amid the coronavirus pandemic.

• Tell others – Tell them how much your church leader does for the congregation – and let your pastor overhear you.
• Volunteer – churches offer more opportunities for volunteering than just about anywhere. Don’t wait to be voluntold.
• Pray for your clergy – It should probably be in the first slot, but it seemed so obvious.
• Write a note – Thank your minister for being an excellent leader, for his or her compassion or even something specific.
• Ask – Find out where you can help. Some clergy don’t delegate enough or (see volunteer) so few people volunteer, they’ve taken all the burdens upon themselves.

Consider celebrating your clergy during this month, and of course, year round. Recognize them for their leadership, compassion, stewardship, and faith.