Osceola County will hold a public meeting on Tuesday August 9 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the ChampionsGate Golf Club about the Sinclair Road Extension Project Development and Environment Study from Reunion to Championsgate. The extension would take place from Tradition Boulevard to Bella Citta Boulevard.
The public meeting will have an open house format and community members may come at any point during the meeting time to view the exhibits, ask questions, and provide comments. A looping audiovisual presentation providing an overview of the study will be available for viewing throughout the meeting. Meeting materials will be posted on the project website (www.Osceola.org/go/SinclairRoad) prior to the meeting.
The purpose of this meeting is to receive public input on the alternatives being evaluated. Members of the public may submit written comments at the meeting, via the project website, or by contacting Robert Denney, PE, Project County Manager, at (407) 742-0660 or by email at Robert.Denney@Osceola.org.
This meeting is being conducted without regard to race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, disability, or family status. Persons wishing to express their concerns relative to compliance with Title VI or persons with disabilities who require accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act or require translation services (free of charge) should contact Brenda Hernandez, Osceola County Diversity, Inclusion and Equal Opportunity Programs Manager, at (407) 742-1208, by email at Brendai.Hernandez@Osceola.org, or TTY by dialing 711 (Florida Relay System).
Osceola County encourages the public to attend this meeting and values all input, comments, and suggestions regarding the project.