The City of Kissimmee School of Government class was in for a surprise on Thursday evening with two of Kissimmee’s vital municipalities on the agenda, Toho Water Authority, and Kissimmee Utility Authority (Check back for a full article on our visit to the KUA Cane Island Power Plant), providing key resources that residents and visitors to the county depend on. Honestly, what’s a city without electricity and water nowadays?
Toho Water Authority
Toho Water Authority provides water, wastewater and reclaimed water serving to most of Osceola County, and parts of Orange and Polk County. Toho Water Authority is a full-service public water utility that was established in 2003 by a special act of the Florida Legislature. There are 13 water plants in Toho’s service area, the North Bermuda Water Plant is the largest water plant in the area, one of which the School of Government class was able to take a tour of. Students visited the control office that supplies information at all times of the water tanks, fluoride, and chlorine tanks as well as monitors any damage including crack, leaks, or overflow of the 13 water plants.
Toho Water Authority distributes 37.5 MILLION gallons of water on a daily basis serving a customer population of over 250,000 customers thanks to their stellar team of 320+ employees.
The overall responsibility for the treatment of the water and wastewater comes from the Treatment Operations where water is treated and maintained within proper standards. Toho houses a lab where 245 samples of water are tested throughout the day.
With its 8 award-winning water reclamation facilities, Toho Water Authority produces 27 MILLION gallons of reclaimed water a day. Some of this water is used by Kissimmee Utility Authority to help cool down the engines at its Cane Island Power Plant which we will talk about in a bit.
Toho Water Authority is a huge advocate of conserving water and preserving the environment, some ways Toho is able to make a positive difference in Osceola County through some of their projects:
- NeoCity Reservoir Project
- Potable Regeneration Project
- Cypress Lake Alternative Water Supply Project
“Toho Water Authority plays a key role in not only providing water services to our customers but doing o in a manner that protects and preserves water resources for generations to come. By hosting community events such as School of Government it allows us the opportunity to educate residents and visitors to see first hand the importance of conservation and the vital role water plays in our daily lives.”
Mary Cox, Toho Water Authority Public Information Officer
Positively Osceola would like to thank Toho Water Authority for educating residents and visitors on ways to conserve the water and for providing a tour of its facility. Thank you for making a positive difference in Osceola County! For more information about Toho Water Authority visit,