Division 1 (Kindergarten and 1st grade): Makayla Blackburn (1st place) and Zobam Ugwu (2nd place)
Division 2 (2nd and 3rd grades): Arabella Morrgenstern (1st place) and Sophia Bertone (2nd place)
Division 3 (4th and 5th grades): Sofia Faya (1st place) and Melissa Chrobak (2nd place)
Division 4 (middle school): Perla Claudio (1st place) and Lacey Scott (2nd place)
Winning students receive two free tickets to Wild Florida and to the Crayola Experience. Teachers of the winning students each receive a gift card to Canvas Restaurant and Market.
The winning teachers are Ms. Lisa Amos, Lakeview Elementary; Mrs. Magy Brown, St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic School; and Ms. Ashley Tomko, St. Cloud Middle School.
Congratulations to the winners!