Every day, thousands of customers and small businesses are targeted by impostors claiming to represent a utility company, demanding immediate payment for allegedly past-due electricity. Don’t fall into the trap,!

With the holidays coming, it tends to bring out even more scammers. Read KUA’s warning signs so you can help us stop scams.

If contacted by a suspicious individual representing KUA, hang up or close the door – These scammers know how to disguise themselves or their number to seem like it’s KUA. It’s important to contact

KUA directly to confirm an identity. Representatives from KUA always carry proper identification.

Do not give a call or visitor cash, a prepaid card, wire transfer, or any form of payment difficult to trace – If you experience suspicious activity, contact a customer service representative who can arrange payment by check, credit card, debit card, or pay online.

Ignore suspicious requests for personal information – If a request seems suspicious, do not give out personal information such as bank account numbers, user names, and passwords, credit card numbers, or social security numbers.

Monitor your email – Delete any emails from utilities that are not your service provider as well as all suspicious emails that require immediate action to verify or demand personal information.

Report suspicious activity – If you believe you’ve been approached by an impostor be sure to report the incident to KUA or local law enforcement.

Founded in 1901, KUA is Florida’s sixth-largest community-owned utility powering 80,000 customers in Osceola County, Florida. For more information, visit www.kua.com.