The Toho Assistance Program, used by Toho Water Authority to provide assistance paying existing water bills for households with elderly or disabled individuals or families with children under 12 years of age who might be facing a temporary financial crisis, will be expanded.
The Toho board of supervisors, during their most recent board meeting, voted to increase TAP funding by $50,000. The program will now be available to assist additional water customers during this uncertain economic downturn due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The next registration starts at 2 p.m. on Monday.
TAP funds are provided by Toho and managed by the Osceola Council on Aging (COA), which is responsible for administering all funds contributed to the program. Customers in need of the assistance can use COA’s online COVID19 Emergency Utility Assistance platform or can call 407-933-9540. The online platform can be found on under the Services menu option. To ensure applications are processed in a timely manner, a limited number will be accepted per week. This online tool also serves neighboring utilities KUA and St. Cloud Utilities.
Toho encourages customers who do not qualify for TAP funds to contact Toho Customer Service at 407-944-5000 prior to bills becoming delinquent due to non-payment. Customers may be eligible for a payment extension request or a payment plan may be devised. Toho has already temporarily suspended service disconnections until further notice.