On February 20, 2018, the Osceola County Sheriff’s Office responded to Celebration High School after a report of threats, stated on social media. The posting was placed on the school’s Instagram page, and it indicated a potential threat to students, faculty, and staff. In addition, a second victim reported on their Instagram page they received a direct threat, from someone using the same screen name, which stated “Tomorrow I will kill you.”
During the investigation, information was obtained which determined that the student 17 year-old Andy Espinosa-Bernal was the individual who made the threats. Espinosa-Bernal was interviewed and subsequently admitted to posting both threats.
He was subsequently arrested and transported to the Orange County Juvenile Detention Center for the felony offenses of; False Report Concerning the Use of a Firearm or Bomb and Written Threats to Kill.
The Osceola County Sheriff’s Office and The Osceola County School Department are committed to the safety and security of our schools. All threats to our schools are taken very serious and are investigated thoroughly and persons responsible for such threats will be held accountable. Anyone with information concerning these or other cases like these is asked to contact the Osceola County Sheriff’s Office at (407) 348-2222.