The City of Kissimmee will open the application process of the Rent, Mortgage, and Utility Assistance Program on Tuesday, September 1, 2020, at 8:00 a.m. until Wednesday, September 9, 2020, at 5:00 p.m., for qualifying households who have been affected by the health crisis of COVID-19 and are unemployed or underemployed.
The City of Kissimmee has received $503,634 in Coronavirus Relief Funds from Florida Housing Finance Corporation and will receive a second distribution after October 15, 2020.
Grant funds may be used to pay for:
• Rent or mortgage to include past due amounts back to March 1, 2020, and up to three months of future rent or mortgage payments to not extend beyond December 30, 2020, and if the household continues to be unemployed during this time and, past due utilities including electric, water, sewer, gas from March 1, 2020, to present.
• Security deposit and the first month rent for households looking to relocate or downsize due to the reduction of income.
To be eligible to participate in the program, you must:
1 Be unemployed or underemployed due to loss of income because of COVID-19; and,
2 Dwelling unit must be physically located in the City of Kissimmee; and,
3 Household income must be 80% or less of the Area Median Income, as shown in the table below based on the number of persons in the household:
A link will be activated on the city’s webpage,, on the morning of September 1st for you to complete your application. A list of the required documents as listed on the website in the event you would like to get a head start in collecting the documents necessary to apply.
To ensure fairness, the order for processing the applications will be determined by a lottery. For questions about the program or the application process, please contact Frances De Jesus, Housing and Community Development Program Coordinator at 407-518-2156, or send an email to
For more information about the City of Kissimmee, visit