The City of St. Cloud’s Downtown Revitalization Phase I Project (New York Ave.) was recently awarded a Merit Award as part of Secretary of State Laurel M. Lee’s 2019 Florida Main Street Awards program. St. Cloud Main Street Executive Director Paula Stark officially presented the City with the award at the September 26, 2019 City Council meeting.
The Merit Award recognizes outstanding examples of redevelopment and leadership.
“It is an honor to be recognized for the City’s efforts to revitalize our downtown. I am proud of the accomplishments of our staff and our city partners,” said St. Cloud City Manager Bill Sturgeon.
The Downtown Revitalization Phase I Project included public infrastructure improvements such as potable water, drainage and streetlight upgrades, as well as an innovative, shared-space streetscape design. This curbless streetscape allows the City to easily transform New York Ave. into a public gathering space for events, and promotes a walkable downtown for all residents and visitors to enjoy.
Congratulations to the City of St. Cloud, and we’re looking forward to all the exciting improvements coming to downtown St. Cloud!