If you’ve chosen to vote on Election Day, November 3, you must vote in your home precinct according to Florida law, not one of the eight early All polling locations will be open from 7 AM to 7 PM. You must be at your polling location before 7 PM in order to cast a ballot. Remember to bring your photo and signature ID with you.
Please do not mail in a ballot at this point. It must be received at the Supervisor of Elections office by 7pmn or it will not count.
On Monday, Positively Osceola saw voter after voter dropping off the mail-in ballots that they failed to return by mail at the Osceola County Supervisor of Elections Office in Kissimmee. It was a positive thing to see actually as that meant people understood it was too late to mail their ballots in.
That same opportunity is available on Election Day. Prior to 7 pm on November 3 registered voters can drop them off at the Supervisor of Elections Office. There is another option of course for those who possess a mail-in ballot still. They can go to their home precinct and vote in person. Just bring the mail-in ballot and surrender it at the precinct. Then simply vote in person.
What if the ballot’s lost or forgotten? Not to worry. Just tell the poll worker and they will check you in. The system will alert them that you have received a mail-in ballot and they will help you with the in-person voting. They will then tell you to destroy the unused mail-in ballot. The system will only let a person vote once. Unsure where your polling location is?