The Florida Department of Health in Osceola County is partnering with Prescriptions Unlimited in St. Cloud to provide COVID-19 vaccinations to homebound patients 65 years and older and home health providers.

Prescriptions Unlimited is not a community vaccination site. Providers seeking vaccinations for their staff or patients may call 407-892-7166 or email to schedule an appointment.

Appointments are required and walk-ins will not be accepted.

“Prescriptions Unlimited has been a valuable partner during our COVID-19 response, first assisting with COVID-19 testing and now vaccinations. We are grateful for their willingness to serve the residents of our community,” said Vianca McCluskey, FDOH-Osceola Administrator/Health Officer.

Residents interested in receiving a COVID-19 vaccine at Osceola County’s vaccination site, located at Centro Cristiano Dios De Pactos Church in Kissimmee, should call 866-201-6507 or visit to pre-register for an appointment. Pre-registering allows the person to get in line and be contacted when appointments are available.