On January 30, 2019, 4-year-old Gadi Pimenta, daughter of Rento Pimenta, a firefighter with Kissimmee Fire Department suffered a medical emergency. Gabi ended up having a seizure in the middle of the night and was unresponsive. She was taken to the hospital where the seizure lasted 12 hours with stroke-like symptoms The MRI confirmed that Gabi has a rare condition Brain AVM (Arteriovenous Malformation). A brain arteriovenous malformation (AVM) is a tangle of abnormal blood vessels connecting arteries and veins in the brain. An arteriovenous malformation can develop anywhere in your body but occurs most often in the brain or spine. Even so, brain AVMs are rare and affect less than 1 percent of the population. Gabi has three AVMs and will have to have surgery to have them removed. The first surgery will be on March 5, 2019, to remove the largest of the three AVMs.
The Kissimmee Fire Department will be hosting a special fundraiser, Gabi the Warrior Princess Fundraiser event this Saturday, March 2, 2019, from 6 PM to 9 PM at 3 Sisters Speakeasy, 226 Broadway, Kissimmee, FL 34741.
We encourage everyone to come together and show your love and support for this sweet little girl and her amazing family. This is a family friendly event with a bounce house for the kids, live music, raffle prizes, and much more. Raffle tickets are available for purchase; 1 ticket for $5 or 5 tickets for $20. There is also a separate raffle drawing for a flat screen tv, raffle ticket prices for that drawing are $20 per ticket. Some of the items up for raffle are listed below:
– 5ft NY Hook has been donated by Kissimmee Local 4208
– Liquor basket
– One (8) hr or two (4) hr HOT classes to Metro Atlanta Fire Firefighter Conference in Atlanta, GA. Metro Atlanta Fire Fighter Conference
– 55″-65″ TV
– Ft Lauderdale Fire Expo Registration
– Treasure Coast HOT Registration
– 16″x20″ hand painted FD Picture
– Laser engraved Flask
– Leather radio strap
– Mickel/Begg Symposium Registration by Osceola FD Benevolent
Something that is very special and very important that will be happening during the event is that OneBlood will be on site taking blood donations. Gabi’s blood type is O Negative, so we are asking that if you or anyone you know has O Negative blood type, please stop by and donate.
So mark your calendar for this Saturday from 6 PM to 9 PM, 3 Sisters Speakeasy – Gabi the Warrior Princess Fundraiser! Let’s all become warriors for the night and show Gabi that she can fight this!