On Monday, Governor Ron DeSantis visited Boggy Creek Elementary School in Kissimmee, part of the School District of Osceola County, where he announced his continued support of Florida schools remaining open for in-person instruction.
“We re here today to make an important announcement. As we see schools, unfortunately, remain closed in key pockets of our country, today’s announcement doubles down on Florida’s commitment to our students and to our parents, and the announcement is this…schools will remain open for in-person instruction and we will continue to offer parents choices for the Spring semester, and every parent in Florida can take that to the bank,” Governor DeSantis announced at the news conference.
The governor explained that the majority of parents in Florida have chosen in-person learning for their children and that the order will continue the protections to the school district funding, but with one new addition.
Parents must be notified if the student is struggling with virtual learning, and that those children must return to in-person learning unless the parents opt out.
Education Commissioner Richard Corcoran was also in attendance, along with the School District of Osceola County’s Superintendent Dr. Debra Pace.
“Thank you, Governor DeSantis, thank you Commissioner Corcoran for your amazing strong leadership and your advocacy for students, and families, and teachers, and principals across the state, particularly here in the School District of Osceola County. Not only have you studied the science, but you’ve listened to the concerns we brought to you, the ideas we shared about how we can make learning better for the kids here in the State of Florida,” Dr. Pace shared at the news conference.
Governor DeSantis went on to say, “In terms of no lockdowns, no fines, no school closures, no one is losing their jobs because of a government dictate. Nobody is losing their livelihood or their business. That is off the table.”