Your children are on Spring Break this week, but our outdoor options are becoming really limited … and then there will be no school next week at the very least.

The question has definitely gone out: What do we do with these kids?!?

If being on a device is part of their daily ritual, we at Positively Osceola are here to help. released a blog with a list of YouTube channels that have been used by classroom teachers, and are endorsed by parent groups … and kids enjoy them for the fun factor, and they’re easy to learn from.

Such things as:

Veratasium: A vlog about science, cool demonstrations, expert interviews. Talking about The Pyramids and actually standing next to them takes teaching to a whole new level.

Ted-Ed: From the library of TED Talks, carefully curated educational videos, many of which represent collaborations between talented educators and animators.

The Spangler Effect: Run by a science teacher whose passion is to find the most creative ways to make learning fun. Things just happen to fizz, pop, smoke and explode. Methods might be unconventional, but the goal is to turn ordinary science experiments into unforgettable learning experiences.

PBS Nova: The most-watched primetime science series on television has been pioneering new forms of web-original content since it debuted in early 1996.

Make Me Genius: A science channel with content digestible for younger kids. Videos are easy to watch,  based on stories and cartoons.

Smithsonian: A big variety of videos in art, design, history, science, technology and culture.

Adventures in Learning: Fun and simple ideas to enhance your child’s math, science , literacy, social and emotional skills at home. Don’t be surprised if you learn a thing or two yourself!

Full Time Kid: Mya is the young girl behind the camera and shares educational tricks, cute crafts and funny surprises that she does — videos enjoyed by and inspiring to young kids.

Scholastic Learn at Home:  Not a YouTube site, but a site by the folks from the Scholastic book series Every day with separate learning experiences for different grade levels around a new thrilling, meaningful story or video each day.

There’s no reason why our students can’t engage with cool subject content while we wait for viruses to calm down and schools to re-open.