Your Christmas tree has outlived its usefulness and is about to come down, if it hasn’t already.
The St. Cloud Parks and Recreation’s Tree Advisory Committee would rather you not drag it to the curb to be hauled off by trash collectors to clog up space at the landfill. They have a better idea.

From 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Jan. 11, St. Cloud residents can bring that tree to Peghorn Park (2101 Peghorn Way, off Budinger Avenue south of the Civic Center), where the city’s S.W.A.P. (St. Cloud’s Winning Arbor Patrol) Team will swap it for a new tree in a container. It’s in the name of restoring the “Urban Forest”.

In past years the city has offered elms, red maples, magnolias and crape myrtles on a first-come, first-served basis. The Christmas tree brought will be ground and chipped on-site into mulch, which also goes home with the new tree.

One tree per household is available with photo I.D. in hand. All Christmas trees must be free of lights, tinsel and decorations, and artificial trees are not eligible for swap.

For more details, contact St. Cloud Parks and Recreation at 407-957-7243.