Grease, cooking oil, hazardous waste or materials, and garbage don’t mix… but there are simple solutions for the community to utilize. Take note of two county sites where those materials can be taken throughout the year.
The Bass Road Household Hazardous Waste Site (750 Bass Road, the south end of the road past Give Kids the World) and the St. Cloud Transfer Station (2705 Peghorn Way) will take chemicals, and other materials that should not or cannot go in regular trash, recycling container, or down the drain in your home.
Here’s a list of the things you can take to those two sites:
- cooking oil
- brake fluid
- anti-freeze
- old engine oil and oil filters
- garden pesticides
- household chemicals
- old paints and thinners
- wood solvents and preservatives
- car batteries (if not traded in when buying a new one)
- electronics like computers,
- TVs
- VCRs
- DVD players
- cell phones
- propane tanks
Waste from businesses and 55-gallon drums will NOT be accepted at these sites.
The Bass Road site is open 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday. The St. Cloud Transfer Station is open 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday and 7 a.m. to noon Saturdays.
Positively Osceola, City of Kissimmee, City of St. Cloud, and Osceola County are asking the community to make a Positive Difference in how we all dispose of hazardous materials!
For more information, call the county’s Solid Waste Department at 407-742-7750.