The Kissimmee City Commission’s meeting Tuesday, held in quarantine with staff spaced out for social distancing and available online shows the city’s commitment to keep on keepin’ on, COVID or not.
“We’ve got people working tirelessly to keep the city moving forward. We’re going through something that no one alive has experienced,” Mayor Jose Alvarez said. “We don’t have a book for it … we’re writing the book. I want to commend every one involved in this.”
City Manager Mike Steigerwald said City Hall and its offices remain closed to the public, even though the state except for southeast Florida has begun Phase I of re-opening. In Phase II, which will take at least 14 days and will begin if coronavirus metrics continue to trend downward, a phased opening could begin.
He also said the city will be waiving signage and outdoor seating ordinances to expand roadside marketing businesses can do and expand the seating capability for restaurants and eateries.
The city is receiving $426,000 in special Community Development Block Grant funds from the second stage of the federal CARES Act, and the city will spend the next two weeks planning for how to distribute those funds, possibly housing (rent/mortgage) assistance.