Osceola Clerk of the Circuit Court & County Comptroller Kelvin Soto, Esq., is officially launching an online public records request portal on Monday, March 13, 2023, as part of the office’s rebranded records search resources known as “PERCH Search” or Public Electronic Records with Caring Hospitality.
For years, the Clerk & Comptroller’s Office has offered easy online access to court records, tax deed files, and the Official Records as well as an electronic certification system. Now, the office has expanded its offerings and rebranded the entire suite of resources as PERCH Search in recognition of the mockingbird that adorns our seal. The rebranded PERCH Search website with each resource listed is available at www.osceolaclerk.com/request-a-public-record/.
The new portal, powered by JustFOIA, allows members of the public to submit requests for invoices, contracts, emails, and various other records with the click of a button.
To submit a request, users should visit https://osceolaclerkfl.justfoia.com/publicportal/ or the “Submit a Records Request” under the “Records” menu of the office’s website. Additional pathways include using the “How Do I” and “Start Here” menus. Once submitted, requestors are generated a tracking number so that the requestor may follow the lifespan of the specific request. Deputy clerks may also correspond with the requestor if additional information or payment details are required to process the request.
“We are thrilled to continue our goal of providing first rate services for the citizens of Osceola County by furthering our dedication to open and transparent government,” said Clerk & Comptroller Kelvin Soto, Esq. “As part of our commitment to modernization that exceeds expectations, we invite our citizens and the media to better familiarize themselves with the vast amount of information available on our optimized website at no cost to them.”
The Clerk & Comptroller’s Office launches the new portal and its rebrand of search resources during Sunshine Week. Celebrated this year from March 13 – 19, 2023, the week was launched by the American Society of News Editors in 2005 to highlight the importance of open, responsive government.
The project was led internally by Chris Mack, Esq., the Clerk & Comptroller’s Chief of Legal Administration, and his dedicated team of deputy clerks.