St. Cloud City Council has agreed to spend up to $2 million to pay for a Project Development & Environmental study for the widening of Canoe Creek Road from US 192 to Deer Run Road.
Council also approved up to $250,000 to fund the installation of a traffic signal at Deer Creek / Canoe Creek Road.
Although Canoe Creek Road is a county road, the city agreed to fund the PD&E study to expedite the four-laning project. Tawny Olore, PE, Executive Director of Transportation and Transit for Osceola County, told Council members that although construction is not yet funded, having the PD&E study funded helps the county get the project federally cleared and eligible for state and federal funding for construction.
City Manager William Sturgeon noted that the cost-sharing expedites both projects, and praised Osceola County for their cooperation with the City in getting it done.
“This is a great example of interlocal cooperation,” Sturgeon said.
Council Member Linette Matheny echoed those sentiments.
“This is great, and the partnership is only going to help everyone,” she said.
Osceola County will determine the timeline of the project.