Florida Supreme Court Justice Alan Lawson has announced that he will be retiring as of Aug. 31, 2022.
Lawson, who also served as an Orlando-area circuit judge and member of the 5th District Court of Appeal, was appointed to Florida’s highest court by former Governor Rick Scott in 2016. His departure will make it possible for Governor DeSantis to place another justice on Florida’s Supreme Court.
“One of the greatest joys of my 35-year legal career has been and continues to be the ability to work alongside a bench and bar filled with extraordinary individuals who work tirelessly to assure that the citizens we serve are well-served by our system of justice.” Lawson wrote to Florida’s Governor in his retirement letter. “I have every hope that you will further strengthen Florida’s justice system as you attentively and thoughtfully appoint my replacement. Godspeed as you initiate that process.”
According to Florida’s Constitution, Governor DeSantis will now appoint a successor to Lawson, after a judicial nominating commission interviews candidates and submits recommendations to him.
DeSantis has appointed three other justices as Florida’s governor— Justices Carlos Muniz, John Couriel and Jamie Grosshans.