It goes without saying that The Sunshine State and solar power energy projects should go hand in hand.

Your Kissimmee Utility Authority is on it!

KUA has joined with 11 other Florida municipal electric utilities to form the Florida Municipal Solar Project, a large-scale community-based solar project that will enhance the level of renewable energy it can provide to customers.

While renting or living in multi-tenant buildings or having a roof not compatible to have solar panels or a system, the community solar option eliminates hurdles and expands access to solar for everyone.

KUA’s proposed project would be one of the largest municipal-backed solar projects in the United States, with the capability to generate a whopping 223.5-megawatts of solar energy. How? By installing 900,000 solar panels on three solar farms to be built in Osceola and Orange counties over a total of 1,200 acres. That’s the equivalent of 900 football fields filled with solar panels.

Should the permitting stage go as planned, construction is expected to begin in early 2020 and the project should be operational by June 30, 2020.

To be placed on a list of subscribers, go to KUA’s website and fill out the form.

Photo Source: Kissimmee Utility Authority