On March 20, 2019, the Osceola Council on Aging invited community leaders to come together to help celebrate Community Champions Week. Some of the community leaders volunteered their time to deliver meals through the Meals on Wheels program to our homebound seniors and others stayed to party with some of the Osceola Council on Aging’s dining club participants.
“The Meals on Wheel champaign is important because we really wanted to create awareness of the problem that we have amongst the community of the seniors going hungry every day. When the community leaders are able to participant it really makes this problem official, they’re able to see the impact they are making on our seniors when the meals are delivered.”
– Wilda Belisle, Nutrition Director for the Osceola Council on Aging
You don’t have to be a community leader to get involved with the Osceola Council on Aging and the Meals on Wheels Program, donation of funds and food are always welcome, and volunteers are greatly needed. If you would like more information please reach out to Wilda Belisle at (407)847-2144 or visit http://www.osceolagenerations.org.
Special thank you to the following community leaders: Osceola County Chairwoman Cheryl Grieb, Osceola County Vice Chair Viviana Janer, City Manager of St. Cloud Dave Askew, Armando Ramiez and the Clerk of Court Staff, City of Kissimmee Mayor Jose Alverez, members of the Kissimmee Police Department, the Osceola County Sheriff’s Office, the St. Cloud Police Department, the Kissimmee Fire Department, and the St. Cloud Fire Department who served roughly 200 meals to seniors in Osceola County through the Meals on Wheels program that day.
Be the smile on someone’s face and help the Osceola Council on Aging fight senior hunger!