Poinciana High School (PHS) in the Osceola School District has been named a National Demonstration School by AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination), a nonprofit organization that provides educators with proven, real-world strategies to accelerate the performance of underrepresented students for success in college, career, and life.
The school joins approximately 170 other AVID national demonstration schools across the country, and is one of only eight high schools in the state of Florida and the only high school in Osceola County to earn this prestigious distinction. Poinciana High will now become a learning lab for other schools, which in turn will empower its teachers and students to share their knowledge and experiences with others.
AVID Assistant Area Director Dr. Christie McMullen stated that Poinciana High has a schoolwide culture of college and career readiness, and it is evident throughout the school campus. The importance of academics is displayed through summit interventions, engagement strategies, and is visible throughout the hallways.
Dr. McMullen stated that it is evident that there is strong leadership from the Superintendent all the way down to the students in supporting college and career readiness to all by providing rigorous Advanced Placement courses that include the AP Capstone Diploma program to the diverse career and technical education programs that are offered right on campus.
“My administrative team and I are excited that the school was awarded the highest honor from AVID because every teacher and student has worked hard to prove that Poinciana High is a school of hard-working and college/career-ready students,” said Principal Jeff Schwartz. “PHS prepares every student with a post-secondary plan, and it will now serve as a model for other schools to learn the high-impact strategies we utilize that serve and foster success for all students.”