During a recent school lunch period at Narcoossee Elementary School, an ordinary day took a dramatic turn when a young student began choking. Joseph “JB” Brown, the school’s custodian, quickly stepped in to perform the Heimlich maneuver, a lifesaving act that prevented a potential tragedy.
This incident, taking place during the hustle and bustle of a school cafeteria, highlights the critical role that non-teaching staff play in the safety and security of our schools.
Joseph ‘JB’ Brown, known for his diligence and humility, reacted quickly when he noticed the student in distress. He quickly applied the Heimlich maneuver, effectively dislodging the blockage from the student’s airway and restoring her ability to breathe. JB’s actions exemplify the extraordinary acts of everyday heroes who ensure the well-being and safety of students.
During Tuesday night’s school board meeting, the Osceola County School District recognized JB’s heroic actions led by Superintendent Dr. Mark Shanoff, Narcoossee Elementary Principal Wendi Honeycutt, and Board Chair Heather Kahoun. They all thanked JB warmly for his quick thinking and dedication. His heroism not only saved a life but also underscored the essential role school custodians and other non-academic staff have in maintaining a safe learning environment.
Thanks to JB Brown’s heroic actions, the student was unharmed and able to go on with her day. This incident serves as a reminder of the importance of emergency preparedness and the significant impact of all school employees in fostering a nurturing environment for our children.