It was a quiet Saturday for major news regarding the coronavirus, and it’s probably a welcome thing. Here’s hoping you enjoyed your Saturday with family with some activities in the yard, or maybe with a walk, jog or bike ride in the neighborhood or on a local trail or along one of our beautiful lakefronts.
And if no news is good news … it was a good day.
The Florida Department of Health has been customarily updating the stats on state COVID-19 cases and virus-related fatalities, and we’ve dug into those stats to provide a numbers-based look at what condition our condition’s in. There was no evening update on Saturday, and the morning one was very encouraging, adding only two cases from Friday night for a total of 463 Osceola County cases going into Sunday. No new fatalities or hospitalizations were noted, and the number of available hospital beds county-wide went back up to 324. And the statewide update this morning added only 306 more cases
The discussion in Tallahassee this week has been about starting the slow re-opening of our business community and economy, and it will take more less-is-more news for that to happen. The state’s stay-at-home mandate runs through May 4, and let’s continue to do what’s made the curve flatten for another week: keep distance from others and much as possible, cover up when in public, and wash those hands and cover those coughs.