Florida unfortunately ranks third in the United States for the number of human trafficking cases, and second in terms of labor trafficking. Today, Saturday, January 13 at 10am on the steps of the Osceola County Courthouse, the Central Florida Human Trafficking Task Force will host its 3rd Annual Red Sand Project event, an initiative aimed at raising human trafficking awareness in Osceola County and throughout Central Florida.

The Red Sand Project serves as a powerful tool to bring this issue to the forefront of public consciousness, and will include guest speakers, State Attorney Andrew Bain, Osceola County Sheriff Marcos Lopez, St. Cloud Police Chief, Kissimmee Police Chief Betty Holland, and representatives from the Central Florida Human Trafficking Awareness Task Force. At the conclusion of the speaking segment of the event, all in attendance will fill sidewalk cracks with red sand, symbolizing the people who “fall through the cracks” and become victims of human trafficking. This visually striking metaphor draws attention to the often overlooked and unseen plight of these individuals.

The event at the Osceola County Courthouse is part of a broader effort by the Central Florida Human Trafficking Task Force to combat human trafficking through education, awareness, and action. By gathering community members and stakeholders, the event aims to shed light on the hidden and pervasive nature of human trafficking, urging collective vigilance and action to protect vulnerable populations.