Each month the School District of Osceola County, along with Charlie Draper Law Office and Positively Osceola, features a teacher who stands out in the school district and is making a positive difference to students, the school district and in the community. In November that teacher was Alvin Olivo, AP Computer Science Principles and Digital/Media Foundations Teacher.
Mr. Olivo was instrumental in launching CTE and growing the College Board AP course offerings at OCSA. He is currently teaching AP Computer Science Principles and Digital/Media Foundations. With the school district’s new Customer Service initiative, Mr. Olivo took the lead on making positive additions to the way they communicate with students, parents, and community stakeholders.
He was selected because of his commitment to revolutionizing the OCSA school website, social media sites, and digital communication sites. He has a firm command on his curriculum and makes it his #1 priority to provide the students with 21st Century digital and technology skills that will make them prepared to become productive citizens.
Congratulation Mr. Oliva! You’re making a positive difference in Osceola County!