On CBS’ legacy game show “The Price is Right”, host Drew Carey, and legendary host Bob Barker before him for years, used the show to give awareness to a cause close to them, closing the show with the tag line, “Help control the pet population, have your pets spayed or neutered.”

That’s an example of “think globally,” and Kissimmee’s SNiP-It Clinic adds the “act locally.”

The clinic, located at the north end of Michigan Avenue just south of Osceola Parkway, was established five years ago as a low cost spay/neuter with the highest standards in veterinary care. Yet, some people in town still don’t know it exists.
The clinic helps pet owners and the community two-fold: it helps pet owners have healthier, happier pets while reducing the number of unwanted litters and animals entering the county shelter among others.

Now here’s your chance to help SNiP-It help pet owners — “Help us help you” — the clinic needs volunteers, and there’s so many ways to help by giving time, talent or treasure.

Financial gifts keep the clinic operating and allow more animals to be helped. Donations of goods like towels, sheets, cleaning supplies and office supplies used on a daily basis are also welcome. And SNiP-It is always looking to partner with local businesses and individuals for marketing or fundraising opportunities.

But time and talent is just as valuable to the clinic as a donation of dollars or stuff. Coordinate with SNiP-It at a local event to assist in telling the public about the benefits of spaying and neutering animals, or just help spreading the word to enhance awareness that it performs low-cost services. You can help with community outreach by offering to hand out flyers at community events, or help providing clients with transportation to and from appointments.

You can get information about volunteering online at SNiP-It’s Volunteer Opportunities page, or call 407-4-SNIPIT Tuesday through Friday from 7:30 a..m. to 5:30 p.m.