Kinsley Yarborough was born on February 8, 2022, sixteen weeks premature,  at Orlando Health Winnie Palmer Hospital for Women Babies. Weighing just over a pound, “micro premie” Kinsley defeated all odds, and after a 160 day stay in the NICU at Orlando Health Winnie Palmer Hospital for Children, Kinsley and her parents are ready to come home.

Any baby who is born before 37 weeks gestation is considered to be premature, or  preterm. Babies born before 28 weeks are considered “extremely preterm.” Those born between 28 and 32 weeks are considered “very preterm.” Babies are considered “moderate” to “late preterm” if they are born between 32 and 37 weeks. Micro preemies are the most premature babies of all, born on or before 26 weeks or weighing less than 750 grams,

Baby Kinsley Yarbourough

With micro preemies being born months before the actual due dates, they face long stays in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).

Kinsley’s parents, Shane and Heather Yarborough, went viral on TikTok with video clips of them holding their precious daughter for the first time, five weeks after she was born. The video clips made their way to national TV show “Right This Minute.” Heather is known locally as the 2010 Miss Rodeo Florida, while her husband Shane is a KUA employee.

Shane and Heather have been staying and cared for by the Ronald McDonald House during this challenging time, and to say they are grateful for the love, care, and support they received would be an understatement.

The young couple wants to say thank you to the Ronald McDonald House for their almost 6 month stay as baby Kinsley was being cared for, so to give back to the amazing organization that has helped them and their precious Kinsley, Shane will be taking to his bike in September and riding 60 miles to raise funds for the Ronald McDonald house. Positively Osceola will be informing the community when and how to help!