If you’ve been cooped up in the house all day long this Tuesday, here’s something that my brighten your evening tonight, make it at least a little interesting and still be able to subscribe to social distancing, from your yard on a pleasant and breezy evening.
Three words: big, bright supermoon.
There was a supermoon in March, but the April full moon will be even closer to earth and brighter this time around when compared to last month’s. During a supermoon, the moon is about 14 percent larger and 30 percent brighter than a normal full moon.
And, any fans of pink in the family? The April full moon is referred to as the pink moon because it coincides with the blooming of the moss pink wildflower.
The moon will reach its closest approach officially Tuesday afternoon, but the best time for viewing will be Tuesday evening when the sun goes down after moonrise at 7:33 p.m. According to one astrological site, this lunation is going to be the biggest at 10:35 p.m. Eastern time, rising in the sign of Libra.
What better way to celebrate the pink moon by sharing your pictures to the Positively Osceola social media posts with the tag #PinkSuperMoonOsceola. So enjoy tonight’s show in the sky, Osceola County!