The first day of school is a bit intimidating for most children especially if its the first day of school they’ve ever experienced. The School District of Osceola County provides some important steps you can take with your child over the summer before their first day of school to help ease them into this new and exciting journey – Kindergarten!



  • Drive by the school. To familiarize your child with his/her new school take them on a drive to visit the site. Allow them to ask questions and explain and point out key locations such as the bus zone, pick up and drop off area for car riders, and where the main office is.
  • Practice bedtime routines. Having a regular bedtime routine ensures that your child is getting the proper rest needed to start each day fresh and ready to learn.
  • Personal Information. Your child should know his/her personal information for leaving for school. This includes your child knowing their full name, address, telephone number, and emergency contact person’s name. (If your child does not know this information, write it down and keep it in a safe place like in a backpack, lunchbox, or pocket. For safety do not place this information on the outside of your child’s clothing.
  • Know the Bus Routine/Route. Take your child on a “practice” walk to the bus stop. Point out landmarks along the way. This is a perfect time to talk about safety issues.


Be sure to plan ahead and purchase all of your child’s school supplies during the Back-To-School Sale Tax Holiday, August 2 and last until August 6, 2019.