Education services experts estimate that if students stopped receiving instruction as of in mid-March due to school shutdowns from the coronavirus pandemic, students could lose half of the learning gains made in math during this past school year, with fifth-graders potentially returning to school almost a full year behind.

Today, (Thursday at 1 p.m.), join Huntington for a free webinar that will provide tips on how to create a productive schedule with your child this summer, and provide some of the best options for them to catch up and make the most use of the break to be academically ready to — cross your fingers — return to classrooms in the fall in their new grade. Register for the webinar  here:

In reading, the researchers estimate students could lose 30 percent of what they learned in the prior school year.

Huntington Learning Centers across the country are positioned to make sure that doesn’t happen, and the new St. Cloud location is ready to assist students and parents.

Huntington Learning Center will spend the summer, remotely and in-person, focusing on helping students catch up in core subjects like reading, math and AP classes for the high-schoolers, as well as tutoring for upcoming standardized tests like the SAT and ACT.

Huntington’s highly qualified tutors include public and private school teachers, college professors, accountants, engineers, writers, and business owners. These educators are passionate about helping their students with personalized success plans, and the majority of them have been teaching for many years. They help our students exceed their goals and set them up for success in their futures.

Huntington Learning Center has tailor-made programs that will help your students make this the best school year ever. So give them a call today at 407-789-0228 to get your students started on the path to success!