Today, Monday, May 27th, at 10 a.m., the St. Cloud community will gather at Mt. Peace Cemetery to honor and remember the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military. This annual Memorial Day Wreath Laying Ceremony is a cherished event where our community and nation pay tribute to those who made the ultimate sacrifice to ensure our freedom.

The ceremony will include a laying of wreaths, symbolizing our respect and gratitude for the fallen heroes. As it does annually, the Osceola Veterans Council will conduct a solemn gun salute, and there will be a number of musical performances that will capture the spirit of the day.

City of St. Cloud Mayor Nathan Blackwell, Osceola County Commissioner Ricky Booth, and US Congressman Darren Soto will speak during the ceremony, reflecting on the significance of Memorial Day and expressing their appreciation for the bravery and dedication of our military personnel. This event serves as a poignant reminder that freedom is never free, and it is a time for reflection, reverence, and thankfulness.

Mt. Peace Cemetery is located at 775 East 10th Street in St. Cloud. The community is encouraged to arrive early to join in this highly attended remembrance.